By Keith C. Milne
I don’t even know why I care at all about you and “your choice” to forgo vaccination. I could point out that it’s NOT ABOUT JUST YOU, but that has already been done by numerous sources. I could go on about how selfish you are, and how stupid you are, but I, unlike your likely hero, Donald Trump, also know how ineffective name calling and finger pointing can be.
Many of you folks like to call yourself patriotic. Do you even know what that really means? It is obvious to me that you do not know just how deep real patriotism runs. You certainly haven’t served this country as a veteran, that is also obvious. Vets know how much everyone’s survival depends on unity and cohesion. Putting aside ones own wishes, wants, desires, and FREEDOMS, at least as long as it takes to unify as one with a group, who then all work together to achieve the objective.
In the case of Covid-19, and the Delta Variant in particular, the objectives are many. The immediate objective should be to get everyone who can be, vaccinated. It’s quite simple, the more of us that are vaccinated, the fewer hosts there are for this virus to migrate to, but the opposite is also true and worse for us. As the number of non vaccinated people remains high, the virus will have ample time to mutate several times! Each time the virus gets smarter and better at adapting to new threats to its own life. Each time it mutates in response to such a threat, it gets stronger and harder to defeat. Certain combinations of treatment that may have once been effective early on in the history of this global nightmare, are now becoming far less effective!
This new, Delta variant or mutation of the Covid-19 strain of 2020 apparently carries a whopping 1000X the infecting payload of the original virus that we all learned about in the beginning of 2020. 1000X the strength of the original in slightly over 1 year out in the wild! That’s astounding. If this continues and this variant is allowed to mutate again and the same exponential strengthening occurs again, I for one am not entirely certain that Moderna or Pfizer and the like will still be able to save any of us.
The entire evolution of this virus is entirely preventable! Our future, the future of not just this country, but the entire world, might depend on all of us doing the right thing for a change. At least the majority will need to do so for this to stop. Putting aside our differences long enough to save ourselves is our only real choice. You warmongers can decide after that if you still want to continue waging war on one another, either literally or economically.
What an irony, almost like the episode of the original Twilight Zone about the man who only wants to be left alone with his books to read in peace. He finds his way to the deepest parts of the national library and gets lost in the books for almost an entire day. All the while, while he was off in his book induced La-La-Land, a nuclear exchange took place and killed everyone and wiped out quite a bit of infrastructure too. When he finally realizes what has happened and why there are no living people left to be found, he actually rejoices about it upon realizing that now he will finally be able to enjoy all the books in the world in total peace and quiet and without other people and their distractions. He is so excited, he starts jumping up and down! Finally his jumping is just hard enough to have his very thick and heavy glasses fly off of his face and land hard on the marble steps of the library and shatter inside the frame. He was left alone with no one to talk to, and now no way to ever read again for the rest of his life because there was no one left to fix his glasses!
As I started to say earlier, the world needs to get vaccinated or, over a long period of time, there really won’t be many people or countries or anything resembling our current world left to hate or wage war against or control. In our quest to conquer and/or control others we damage the fabric of the potential for our continued well being. The process of achieving this control destroys so much the price is too high making the whole idea a fools play at best.
The non-vaccinated are thumbing their noses at the rest of us, mostly over some kind of political posturing around the whole Trump/Biden craziness. It’s got to stop, NOW. Ron DeSantis (R) Gov Florida, should not only be ashamed of his stance on this virus, but should be banned from being able to say what he says over public airwaves on national network news channels of any kind! His message is “don’t worry, be free, with no mandates from me!” Now, in a truly socialist, top-down stance to ensure he gets his way (sound familiar?) he is MANDATING that any locality in Florida that requires masks will risk losing state funding! Now Florida is the Delta Variant hot spot of the world. PLEASE. If you die from Delta, how free are you now? What an IDIOT! He’s essentially saying “Don’t listen to science, listen to me, because I’m the next Donald Trump trouble maker to take a shot at ruining this great country and democracy of ours.” Think treason folks. It is HIGH TIME TO START DOING THE RIGHT THING FOR EVERYONE’S SAKE, and stop acting like Trump is still in charge spreading his snake oil, lies, and bullshit, and, in the case of Ron DeSantis, stop acting like he is Trump v.2.0.
All choice about getting vaccinated should be suspended immediately in the name of public health and national security. The status quo cannot remain intact if this country is going to continue to be a viable country that can defend itself from particularly China and Russia. We will be too weak to do much of anything if they decide to launch a well designed attack, beginning with a cyber attack that knocks out a lot of our networking infrastructure all at once so we won’t see a lot of what is actually coming, and will not be able to do anything about it until it’s too late.
NO, I’m not kidding. I could think of even harsher things that would go over even worse like—let’s round them all up and put them in camps or ship them to Guantanamo Bay or make them all stay in Texas or Florida or Alabama or Louisiana-(pick one) permanently until this thing is over and/or they are all dead! Told you that was worse!
In essence, people “choosing to not be vaccinated” at this late stage of the game are playing with our future and that cannot be allowed to happen.
Do you like having to do without things all the time because the factory that makes those items just cannot keep enough workers to make them. Life is so fun when everything is completely screwed up like it is right now, isn’t it?
Everyone is using COVID as their excuse to gouge you and over charge you. It’s their excuse for why it took so long, why you ordered furniture in February and still haven’t received them in August. Why you still have to wear a mask if you are vaccinated! It’s the excuse for sub-par service, long lines, lack of someone to wait on you at the store, help you return something, or why you have to eventually give up waiting to speak to a “customer service representative” because you begin to realize that you’re never going to get a human. If you email the company to complain or threaten to take your business elsewhere, they cite “Covid-19” as the reason(s) for it all!
The stock market hates uncertainty. As this variant’s wrath spreads, and the death toll mounts again, and the mandates about masking and social distancing and the like come back, and people get even angrier than they already are, the meltdown will be felt the hardest on wall street first. You might think, good, rich bastards could stand to lose a little, serves them right! Maybe. But, I and many middle-class and working class Americans with families and kids who want to go to college someday too, also have their college savings and retirement funds invested in this way. I’m sure that you yourself do too. Great way to save and earn over the long run, right!? What will this mean for them? DEVASTATION! No jobs. No retirement savings. No retirement. Only survival . . . forever!
While this may sound like no big deal to you big bad survivalist types out there, trust me when I share this secret with you: AGING is the great leveler of the playing field. Just like planes needing to land, someday, you’re going to want to, but without anyway to work normally or save and invest normally this, too, will only be another “if I only had . . . ” dream for your life story. If you live through all the hell that could ensue from this continued pandemic, retirement for you will only be a word in a dictionary.
So, if you call yourself an American, consider yourself a patriot or a hater of both, do us all a favor and get vaccinated. It’s not about you. It’s about US. There really is no you without us, or us without you. We are all flesh and blood my brothers and sisters. The Delta Variant cares about none of us. It’s a killer, and it’s coming to kill as many as it possibly can. Please for your sake, do not make it easy. Trust me-you are no match for this one my friend. It’s coming for you, and so might we–to give you a shot whether you like it or not.